What Do I Want for Christmas? Here’s My List for 2024…

Can you believe it’s already that time of year again?

Christmas is just around the corner, and I don’t know about you, but I am excited to find out what Santa has in store for me this year.

In fact, I’ve been thinking long and hard about what do I want for Christmas, and I thought I would share my wishlist with you all (and Santa if he is reading this!).

Noise-Canceling Headphones

First up, I want a set of high-quality noise-canceling headphones. Yes, it does seem like headphones are on top of everyone’s Christmas wishlist this year.

Because let’s be real, sometimes you just need to tune out the world and rock out to your favorite tunes. Plus, they’ll come in handy on flights and long commutes.

Camera, lens, accessories

Next, I would love a new camera. Not just any camera – I’m talking an old-school DSLR so I can take my photography skills to the next level.

Add in a few lenses, a tripod, and some cool camera accessories, and I’ll be all set to snap some amazing photos.

Family Board Games

I also would love to get my hands on some fun board games that I can play with my family and friends. I’m talking about games that will test my strategic thinking skills and make me laugh until my sides hurt.

Maybe a classic game like Monopoly or a relatively new one like Catan – I’ll leave that decision up to Santa.

Indulging in some self-care

And last but not the least, I want to indulge in some self-care.

That means a nice, cozy robe, some fancy scented candles, and maybe a good best-selling book to curl up with on chilly winter nights.

After all, Christmas is all about treating yourself and your loved ones, right?

Now, I know what you’re thinking – these gifts are all selfishly for me!

Of course, I have plenty of Christmas gifts planned for my loved ones too. But, let’s be real – sometimes you just need to take care of yourself (first?). Plus, getting gifts you actually want is the best feeling in the world.

So there you have it, folks – my Christmas wishlist that I came up with after asking myself ‘What do I want for Xmas?’ .

What are you hoping to find under your Xmas tree this year?

Now, it is time to ask yourself – ‘What do I want for Christmas?’

Let me know in the comments below!

And as always, happy holidays!

Count your blessings, there are many!

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